Translating to Nepali (ne)

You are working with the last-saved translation 'strings.1651777088.xml' (saved 05 May 2022 18:58). When you save your updates it will not override it but make a new copy.

Key English Nepali (ne)
app_name TaroWorks
Taro_label Taro
Works_label Works
last_sync Last Sync
grameen_product TaroWorks LLC
login_version_code Version %s
login_button Login
login_username_hint Enter user name here.
login_password_hint Enter password here.
login_dialog_label Server URL
set_up_device Set Up Device
login_dialog_info Enter your organization\'s Salesforce Community URL
login_dialog_button Done
empty_login_password Login and password can not be empty.
select_job_label Select Job
next_label Next
prev_label Prev
end_form_label You have finished filling in this form and can mark this task as completed.
end_form_header Task is Completed
mark_complete_label Mark Complete
form_has_been_saved_label Your form has been successfully saved !
next_task_label Next Task
next_drill_down_label Next Drill Down
no_records_found No Records Found
job_cant_be_completed Job Can\'t Be Completed
no_required_record Required record is not found
sync_now_label Sync Now
sync_later_label Sync Later
job_completed_header Job Completed!
job_completed_body You have completed \"%s\" job
quit_job Quit Job
job_label Jobs
start_job_label Start job
job_instructions_label Job Instruction
instruction_label Instructions
no_instructions no instructions
sync_label Sync
setting_label Settings
job_actions_dialog_title Open
new_job_action New Job
open_saved_jobs_action Saved Jobs
saved_jobs_completed_jobs Completed Jobs
saved_jobs_incomplete_jobs Incomplete Jobs
sync_in_progress_dialog_label Sync In Progress
sync_complete_dialog_label Sync Is Complete
sync_in_progress_info_label Please wait while data is synchronizing between your device and the Salesforce server
sync_cancelled Cancelling synchronization in progress
sync_complete_info_label Data has been successfully synced between your device and the SalesForce server
cancel_sync_button Cancel Sync
cancelling_sync_button Please wait
sync_update_available_and_required_dialog_title TaroWorks Update
sync_app_version Current version: %s
sync_new_version_available_and_required New TaroWorks version %s is available. Press OK to download thenewer version.
sync_downgrade_required The current version of TaroWorks you are running (%s) is notcompatible with the version installed in Salesforce.
please_reinstall_taroworks Please uninstall TaroWorks from your device and install version %s, or contact your administrator with this error code.
universal_link <![CDATA[<a href=\'%1$s\'>%2$s</a>]]>
sync_interrupted Sync cancelled by user
re_download_job_in_progress_dialog_title Redownload Jobs
re_download_job_in_progress_dialog_message Downloading …
re_download_job_complete_dialog_title Jobs are Downloaded
re_download_job_complete_dialog_message All jobs are successfully downloaded.
progress_message_connection_check Checking for Connection
progress_message_logs_save Saving logs in progress …
progress_message_zipping_files Zipping files in progress …
progress_message_clearing_backup Clearing backup in progress …
zipping_files_process_failed_dialog_title Process Failed
zipping_files_process_failed_dialog_message Zipping files failed.
support_email_intent_chooser_title Send Email
progress_message_checking_url Checking server url address
progress_message_loading_page Loading page…
setting_logout_label Log Out
setting_about_label About Application
setting_about_dialog TaroWorks&lt;br/>Version %1$s Build #%2$s&lt;br/>URL: %3$s&lt;br/>Copyright © %4$s&lt;br/>TaroWorks LLC
setting_logout_header Logout ?
setting_logout_dialog All remaining data will be deleted if new user login after you are logged out. Please make sureyou have sent (sync) your data to the server
setting_logout_continue_button Continue
setting_last_sync_result_label Sync Result
setting_re_download_jobs_label Redownload Jobs
setting_security_label Security
last_sync_result_header_label Last Sync Result
last_sync_is_success_label Sync successful
last_sync_successfully_redownloaded Jobs redownloaded successfully
connection_failed_title Connection Failed
connection_failed_message A network error has occurred. Retry or cancel and return to the previous screen.
prompt_to_sync_title Sync?
prompt_to_sync_message All completed jobs will be submitted and new jobs will be downloaded to the device.
authentication_failed_title Authentication Failed
authentication_failed_message Your user name or password may be incorrect. Please try again or contact your administrator.
connection_server_failed_title Can\'t Find Server
connection_server_failed_message_part_one Unable to connect to \'
connection_server_failed_message_part_two \'. Make sure your server address is valid. Please try again.
ssl_certificate_error_message Unable to connect to sync your data. Please verify website address entered at loginscreen, and check phone or Wi-Fi connection and signal strength. Log in again or click “Try Again”. If problem persists,contact your help desk.
button_continue Continue
button_retry Retry
button_cancel Cancel
button_close Close
button_ok OK
save Save
discard Discard
yes Yes
no No
change_url Change URL
get_odk_form_uri_failed Collection form for this task does not exist
submission_for_job_has_already_begun This job cannot be edited because submission for the job has already begun. The submission will be completed in the next Sync.
corrupted_xform The following forms could not be downloaded.%1$s This is most likely due to bad formatting from manual editing of the XForm. Please click Sync to download again. If the problem persists, please contact your help desk.
corrupted_xform_list_item %1$s for task %2$s of %3$s job
corrupred_xform_for_selected_job There was an issue downloading the form(s):%sof this job. Please Sync to download again. If the problem persists, please contact your help desk.
missing_records_error_dialog You no longer have access to one or more of the records used in this job. Please contact your helpdesk and give them the record ID(s) %s.
missing_local_records_error_dialog You no longer have access to one or more of the records used in this job. Please contact your helpdesk and give them the Offline record ID(s) %s.
cannot_mark_job_complete You cannot mark this Job complete because the record(s) created in this Job may be referenced in other Jobs.
error_during_survey_mapping The record(s) on this job were not created offline because an error occurred during survey mapping. Please contact your administrator with this error code.
cannot_save_job You cannot save this Job because the record(s) created in this Job may be referenced in other Jobs.
cannot_delete_job You cannot delete this Job because the record(s) created in this Job may be referenced in other Jobs.
error_on_job_title Error on Job
\'%1$s (v%2$s)\' for the task \'%3$s\'
leave_incomplete_job_title Leaving Incomplete Job?
leave_incomplete_job_body You can save your job and return to it later
leave_complete_job_title Save Changes?
leave_complete_job_body You can return to this job later.
choose_image_label Complete Action Using
choose_image_file_manager File Manager
choose_image_gallery Gallery
choose_image_make_default Make Default
settings_view_index View Index
survey_version Form Version
settings_quit_job Leave Job
go_to_start Go to Start
go_to_end Go to End
select_action Select Action
location_providers_not_enabled_label Location providers error
location_providers_not_enabled_info Location providers are not enabled. Would you like to enable providers right now?
location_providers_not_enabled_warning Location providers are not enabled. Location will not be tracked.
survey_info This task is on \"%1$s\" (v%2$d) form
go_to_hierarchy_drill_down_1 Click this to drill down to the
go_to_hierarchy_drill_down_2 data to complete this task
go_back_to_hierarchy_drill_down Click this to go back to the drilldown to complete this task
no_value (no value)
view_record_on_map View Record on Map
view_all_records_on_map View all records on map
view_resource_play_media_button Play Media
view_resource_replay_media_button Replay Media
view_completed_media You have completed this task
view_resource_open_file_button Open File
view_resource_open_image_button Open Image
view_resource_reopen_image_button Reopen Image
view_resource_loading_image Loading image…
application_chooser_header Open this file with
no_available_application There is no available application to open this file. Please download and install <![CDATA[<a href=\'\'>Office Suite 8</a>]]> from Google Play first. You must have an Internet Connection to do this.
unknown_error_title Unknown error
try_again Try Again
unknown_error Internal TaroWorks error. Please try again, or contact your administrator.
endpoint_not_found Unable to connect. You might be using an old version or there is a configuration issue.Please contact your help desk.
connection_error Your connection was interrupted. Please check your phone or Wi-Fi connection and signal strength and try again. If the problem persists, contact your help desk.
connection_error_during_url_verification There was a problem connecting to your account. Please verify that the Server URL is correct and check your phone or Wi-Fi connection and signal strength. If you are still not able to log in, contact your Help Desk.
unknown_host_connection_error_while_syncing There was a problem connecting to your account.Please check your phone or Wi-Fi connection and try again. If the problem persists, contact your Help Desk.
unknown_host_connection_error_while_logging_in There was a problem connecting to your account. Please verify thatthe Community URL is correct and check phone or Wi-Fi connection. If you are still not able to log in, contact your Help Desk.
no_active_network_interface_error Your device is not connecting to the Internet. Please check phone or Wi-Fi connection and signal strength, then Log in again or click “Try Again”. If problem persists, contact your help desk.
no_access_to_apex_class_error The following Apex class does not have the correct permissions set in SF.

Pleasecontact your administrator with this information.
any_apex_error An error has occurred. Please contact your help desk with the below information.
cannot_get_location TaroWorks is not able to record a GPS location. Please check that one of three connection options on the device is activated - GPS satellite, device data or wi-fi signal - and that the device\'s GPS location services feature is on before trying again. If you are using GPS satellites, please make sure you are outside and try again.
gps_location_required <![CDATA[Response is required.<br/>TaroWorks is not able to record a GPS location. Please check that one of three connection options on the device is activated - GPS satellite, device data or wi-fi signal - and that the device\'s GPS location services feature is on before trying again. If you are using GPS satellites, please make sure you are outside and try again. If you still cannot get a location, please leave this job and contact your help desk.]]>
error_code_label Error
error_title_bar Error
authentication_error_title_bar Authentication Error
sync_error_title_bar Sync Errors
forms_error_title_bar Form Errors
general_error_title_bar General Error
bandwidth_limit Limit Exceeded. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact your administrator.
out_of_ram The mobile device ran out of memory. Please try again or contact your administrator.
not_enough_space_on_internal_storage Not enough space on internal storage. Media not downloaded.
auth_invalid_device Unrecognized Device. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_missing_device_id Unrecognized Device. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_imei_mismatch Unrecognized Device. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_inactive_device This device has been inactivated. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_invalid_credentials Your user name or password may be incorrect. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_inactive_mobileuser Your account has been inactivated. Please contact your administrator.
auth_missing_username Your user name or password may be incorrect. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_missing_password Your user name or password may be incorrect. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_missing_sessionid Unrecognized Session Token. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_invalid_session Unrecognized Session Token. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_session_device_mismatch Unrecognized Session Token. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_already_logged_in Your account is currently logged onto another device. Please log out of the other device orcontact your administrator.
auth_device_not_found Unrecognized Device. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_device_id_mismatch Unrecognized Device. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_failed_to_create_device Unable to create Device. Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_mobile_user_blocked This username can no longer access TaroWorks. Please contact your admin if you have not yet received a new username and password.
auth_partner_user_no_license You do not have a license to access TaroWorks. Please contact your help desk.
survey_formlist_id_invalid The following forms could not be downloaded.%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_formlist_id_missing The following forms could not be downloaded.%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_formlist_no_xform The following forms could not be downloaded.%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_formlist_xform_empty The following forms could not be downloaded.%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_sub_duplicate_submission The submission is a duplicate.
form_instance_decryption_error An error occurred when submitting %s job. Please contact your helpdesk immediately with this error code (20021), then go to Settings menu -> Send Logs to send logs to TaroWorks Support.
cascadingselect_id_missing Cascading Select(s) for the following form(s) are missing.%sPlease contact your help desk.
cascadingselect_id_invalid There was a problem with downloading Cascading Selects for the following form(s).%sPlease contact your help desk with the Error Code and the names of the Forms.
cascadingselect_no_itemsets There was a problem with downloading Cascading Selects for the following form(s).%sPlease contact your help desk with the Error Code and the names of the Forms.
cascadingselect_itemsets_empty There was a problem with downloading Cascading Selects for the following form(s).%sPlease contact your help desk with the Error Code and the names of the Forms.
gen_no_space Salesforce Storage Limit has been reached. Please contact your administrator.
crud_fls_error_message <![CDATA[This job cannot be synced because you do not have sufficient access. Please contact your TaroWorks administrator and ask them to grant your user profile access to the following field/object:<br/><br/>]]>
crud_fls_error_link <![CDATA[<br/><br/><a href=\'\'>Link to Support Article</a>]]>
survey_sub_missing_sub_id The following jobs could not be sent due to media submission issue:
Please try again or contact your administrator.
crud_invalid_type_error_message <![CDATA[Records cannot be downloaded because you do not have sufficient access. Please contact your helpdesk and ask them to grant your user profile access to the following object:<br/><br/>You do not have the Read permission for Object %s. To fix this error, please go to Setup -> Profiles, find your user\'s Profile, and check the Custom Object Permissions on your user\'s profile; and/or contact your Salesforce administrator with this error message.]]>
crud_invalid_field_error_message <![CDATA[Records cannot be downloaded because you do not have sufficient access. Please contact your helpdesk and ask them to grant your user profile access to the following field:<br/><br/>You do not have permissions of Field %1$s on Object %2$s. To fix this error, please go to Setup -> Profiles, find your user\'s Profile, and ensure that Custom Field Level Security for this field is set to Visible; and /or contact your Salesforce administrator with this error message.]]>
invalid_type_error_link <![CDATA[<br/><br/><a href=\'\'>Link to Support Article</a>]]>
invalid_field_error_link <![CDATA[<br/><br/><a href=\'\'>Link to Support Article</a>]]>
survey_sub_missing_xml The following jobs could not be sent:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_sub_invalid_submission_id The following jobs could not be sent:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_sub_missing_ref_object The following jobs could not be sent due to a Salesforce mapping error where the reference record could not be found.
%sPlease contact your administrator.
form_instance_file_is_empty The following jobs could not be submitted because the submission file is empty:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_deleted_xml The following jobs could not be sent due to missing forms files on the device:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_sub_broken_field_mapping The following jobs sent did not have the form field mapping completed due to deleted fields:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_sub_missing_survey_id The following jobs could not be sent due to missing form files on the device:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
survey_sub_field_mapping_error The following jobs could not be sent due to Salesforce mapping issues:%sPlease contact your administrator.
survey_sub_invalid_cascading The following jobs could not be sent:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
no_submission_id An error occurred while sending the following jobs:%sPlease contact your help desk immediately with this error code (20018), then go to Settings menu -> Send Logs to send logs to TaroWorks Support.
empty_media The following jobs could not be submitted because some media files are empty:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
too_large_media The following jobs could not be submitted because some media files are too large:%sPlease try again or contact your administrator.
sync_submission_with_duplicate_answers The following jobs could not be sent due to duplicate answers:%sPlease delete the duplicates and sync again or contact your administrator.
missing_resources The resource is missing. Please try to sync again or contact your administrator.
could_not_sent_because_if_an_error_in_preceding_submission The following jobs could not be sent due to an error when submitting %1$s: %2$s
Please try again or contact your administrator.
%1$s job, %2$s (v%3$d) form
job_error_item %1$s job
sub_missing_ref_object_info In the %s job with form %s (v%d), the identifying value of %scannot be found in the org, reference record of type%s.
survey_sub_survey_closed The following jobs have been closed after submission.
%sPlease contact your administrator.
salesforce_unexpected_error Salesforce has returned unexpected error. Please contact your administrator.
sync_job_def_corrupt The following jobs could not be sent:
Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_job_gps_fail The following jobs could not be sent because of problems with GPS:
Please try again or contact your administrator.
survey_null_form_id The following jobs could not be downloaded:
Please try again or contact your administrator.
auth_device_id_reset Device ID has changed on this device. Please contact your administrator to remove the Device from your Salesforce instance.
sync_missing_resourceid The following jobs could not be downloaded.
Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_resource_id_invalid The following jobs could not be downloaded.
Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_resource_type_not_supported The following jobs could not be downloaded.
Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_bad_task_type The following jobs could not be downloaded.
Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_task_without_resource The following jobs could not be downloaded.
Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_job_template_deleted The following jobs could not be sent:
Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_task_template_deleted The following jobs could not be sent:
Please try again or contact your administrator.
survey_sub_survey_unavailable You do not have permission to submit job
. Please contact your administrator.
jobs_upload_success_response_with_no_body An error occurred while sending all the jobs. Please contact your help desk immediately with this error code (30010), then go to Settings menu -> Send Logs to send logs to TaroWorks Support.
sync_filter_datatype_mismatch An error occurred while downloading records for a Drill Down Hierarchy with filters defined. At least 1 field used in a filter is a formula field and the field type changed. Please try again or contact your helpdesk with this error code.
sync_empty_response The jobs could not be downloaded. Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_duplicate_job_activity All jobs could not be sent due to duplicate job activities in the following jobs:
Please delete the duplicates and sync again or contact your administrator.
sync_duplicate_task_activity All jobs could not be sent due to duplicate task activities in the following jobs:
Please delete the duplicates and sync again or contact your administrator.
sync_taro_update_title TaroWorks Update
sync_api_version_mismatch Current Version %1$s

The current version of TaroWorks you are running (%2$s) is not compatible with the version installed in Salesforce.

Please uninstall TaroWorks from your device and install a compatible version, or contact your Help Desk.
no_access_to_record_type You do not have access to %1$s Record Type. Please try again or contact your administrator.
sync_jobs_remaining_on_device You have synced successfully, but due to an unexpected drop in connection, please verify with your administrator that %1$s Job(s) that remained on the device were fully submitted. Once confirmed, you can delete these Jobs from the device.
error_access_denied Access denied
error_description_end_user_denied_authorization You have denied access to Salesforce. TaroWorks needs access to Salesforce in order to log you in. Please click \"Allow\" the next time you want to login.
error_description_https_required Website address should have https instead of http. Check website address and log in again. If problem persists, contact your help desk.
error_refresh_token_expired You have been automatically logged out for security reasons. Please log in again to continue syncing. If you have any unsent jobs, they will be sent after logging in.
sync_logging_in Logging in
sync_app_update_check Checking for app updates
sync_recording_geolocation Recording Geolocation
sync_uploading_completed_forms Processing jobs
sync_uploading_completed_jobs Uploading completed jobs
sync_downloading_jobs Downloading jobs
sync_downloading_attachments Downloading attachments
sync_downloading_form_mappings Downloading form mappings
sync_downloading_forms Downloading forms
sync_downloading_cascading_selects Downloading cascading selects
sync_downloading_score_groups Downloading Score Groups
sync_downloading_forms_metadata Downloading Printing Details
sync_downloading_media_files Downloading media files
sync_downloading_performance_data Downloading performance data
sync_logging_out Logging out
sync_clearing_data Clearing stored data
clear_logs_label Clear Logs
last_clearing_operation Last clearing operation :
log_size Log file size :
clear_logs_warning If you clear logs now, all logs over 7 days will be cleared
logs_cleared_label Log File is Cleared!
logs_cleared_info Log file is successfully cleared. Remaining file size is %s.
performance_label Performance
rank Rank
progress Progress
job_target_name Job Target Name
scroll_button_up Up
scroll_button_down Down
left %s left
days days
hours hours
minutes minutes
seconds seconds
notification_sync_ended_errors Errors occurred during Sync - see Error dialog for details
notification_sync_process_ended Sync has ended
notification_sync_process_ended_success Sync - Success!
notification_sync_process_cancelled Sync has been cancelled
notification_taro_works_update TaroWorks update
notification_taro_works_update_available TaroWorks update available
notification_taro_works_update_error TaroWorks update error
notification_taro_works_update_download_error Download of new version of TaroWorks didn\'t complete.
notification_taro_works_update_please_re_sync Please re-sync to start the download again.
notification_taro_works_update_select_to_install Select to install
notification_application_update_required Application update required.
whitespace &#160;
notification_auth_failed Authorization failed
notification_auth_process_has_ended Authorization has ended
notification_auth_ended_errors Errors occurred during Authorization - see Error dialog for details
notification_logout_ended Logout process has ended
notification_logout_ended_errors Logout process has ended with errors
notification_logout_ended_success Logout process has ended without errors
notification_authorization_error Authorization error
notification_authorization_error_text You have been logged out for security reasons. Log in again to sync jobs.
notification_connection_error Connection Error
notification_connection_error_text Error connecting TaroWorks
indicators Indicators
job_targets Job Targets
performance_indicator_name Performance Indicator Name
delete_job_label Delete Job
delete_job_message Are you sure you want to delete this Job?
button_delete Delete
indicator_footer_update_info The above data is updated daily at %s
indicator_footer_learn_more <u>Learn more</u>
update_progress_data_label Update Progress Data
update_progress_data_info This performance data is processed daily at %1$s. For today\'s data to be included, please sync before %2$s. You must sync again after %3$s to view updated progress on your device.
update_progress_data_info_not_scheduled If the update time is N/A, the update has not been scheduled. Please contact your Administrator.
logs_label Logs
logs_record_logs_on_device_label Record logs on device
logs_send_label Send Logs
logs_information Logs record user activity on TaroWorks and helps to provide useful information to your Help Desk /Support in analyzing any errors you may encounter.
logs_record_logs_on_device_additional_message Captures user activity in TaroWorks for troubleshooting
logs_send_additional_message Email user activity to TaroWorks Support for troubleshooting
logs_clear_additional_message Make space on your device by deleting logs that are more than a week old
re_download_jobs_label Redownload Jobs
re_download_jobs_text If there was a problem during Sync, some jobs may not have downloaded correctly. PressContinue to download all jobs again. You must have an Internet Connection to do this.
pin_label PIN
pin_help_label Enable PIN code
fingerprint_label Fingerprint
biometric_help_label Enable Fingerprint
biometric_help_error_label Device does not support fingerprinting
pin_biometric_label PIN code &amp; Fingerprint
clear_data_label Clear Data
clear_data_text Do you really want to clear TaroWorks local data?
notification_content_name TaroWorks is downloading application update
notification_title TaroWorks update
notification_percent_completed %s %% complete
add_repeat Repeat questions in \"%s\" section?
add_repeat_no Continue
entering_repeat Repeat Section
entering_repeat_ask Repeat Section?
repeat_job Repeat Job
encrypting_files Encrypting files
encrypting_preferences Encrypting preferences
encrypting_databases Encrypting databases
moving_app_data Moving application data
moving_odk_databases Moving ODK databases to internal storage
waiting_for_service Waiting for service…
developer_mode_enabled Developer mode is ENABLED
finding_location_title Finding Location
finding_location_info Using %s. Location found is accurate within %.0fm.%n%nTap Record Location or keep searching for greater accuracy.
add_row Add Row
remove_row Remove row
remove_this_row_dialog_title Remove this Row?
remove_this_row_and_all_its_answers_dialog_message "Remove this row(%1$s) and all its answers?
input_date_time Input Date/Time
input_date Input Date
form_score_total Score Totals:
print_label Print
printing_button_label Printing…
printing_succeed_toast Printing completed.
printing_failed_toast Printing failed.
printing_in_progress_toast Printing in progress. Please do not leave TaroWorks or rotate the screen.
printer_not_active_toast Printer is not active.
response_is_not_in_expected_format Response is not in the format expected. Please try again.
you_have_not_enabled_your_logs You have not enabled your logs
please_go_to_settings_logs_and_select_the_record_logs_on_device_option <![CDATA[Please go to Settings > Logs and select the \'Record logs on device\' option]]>
later_dialog_button Later
prev_button <![CDATA[< Prev]]>
select_all Select all
question_text_title Question:
question_supporting_text_title Supporting Text:
value_displayed_as_multiple_selected_records %1$s %2$ss selected
send_backups_label Send Backups
send_backups_additional_message Email backups of your Jobs to TaroWorks Support for troubleshooting
creating_backup_failed Creating backup failed.
clear_backups Clear Logs and Backups
clear_backups_additional_message Make space on your device by deleting logs and backups that are more than a week old
last_backup_clearing_operation Last clearing operation :
backup_size Backups size :
clear_backups_warning If you clear backups and logs now, all backups and logs over 7 days will be cleared
backup_cleared_label Backups and logs are Cleared!
backup_cleared_info Backups and logs are successfully cleared. Remaining files size is %s.
backup_cleared_info_with_month Backups and logs are successfully cleared older than %s months.
cannot_fetch_the_backup_size Something went wrong. Cannot fetch the backup size.
delete_synced_jobs_label Delete Synced Jobs
delete_synced_jobs_message Are you sure you want to delete all synced jobs?
remove_synced_jobs Remove Synced Jobs
synced_jobs_tab Synced Jobs
dynamic_ops_xform_validation_conflict Response cannot be filled up due to a conflict with other XForm validation. Try editing previous questions used in the operation for this question.
dynamic_ops_default_error Something went wrong when executing a Dynamic Operation. Please contact your administrator.
ddh_scan_record_not_found Record not found. Please scan again or manually select to proceed.
something_went_wrong_dialog_title Something went wrong.
something_went_wrong_dialog_text Something went wrong. If problem persists, contact your help desk.
page_count_format %1$d/%2$d
target_img_compression_err The image could not be compressed to the target file size of %1$d KB. The image was compressed to a size of %2$d KB.You may want to notify your TaroWorks Administrator.
five_mb_img_compression_err The image could not be compressed to a target file size of 5000 KB without a loss of quality. It is recommended that you replace the photo.
missing_permissions_title Missing permissions
missing_permissions_text Some required permissions are missing. You will now be redirected to the settings. Please grant required permissions to continue.
steps_numbering (Step %d/%d)
back_button_text Back
list_expanded_text List is expanded
list_collapsed_text List is collapsed
hour_increment Hour increment
minute_increment Minute increment
day_increment Day of the month increment
month_increment Month increment
year_increment Year increment
hour_decrement Hour decrement
minute_decrement Minute decrement
day_decrement Day of the month decrement
month_decrement Month decrement
year_decrement Year decrement
drill_down_back_button_text Drill Down Header Back
drill_down_down_button_text Drill Down Header Down
drill_down_up_button_text Drill Down Header Up
enter_response Enter response
select_record Select record
warning_sign_alert Warning: problem alert
details_of_selected_record Details of selected record
barcode_scanner Barcode scanner
search Search
task_completed Task completed
task_in_progress This task needs to be completed. Click to complete the Task.
taroworks_logo TaroWorks Logo
next_page Next Page
previous_page Previous Page
image_or_photo_from_camera Image or photo from camera
image_or_photo_from_gallery Image or photo from gallery
left_arrow More columns to the left
right_arrow More columns to the right
top_arrow More rows to the top
bottom_arrow More rows to the bottom
completed Completed
screen_rotation_changed Screen orientation has changed
completed_jobs_number %1$s job has %2$d saved jobs.
not_checked_logs Not checked \'Record logs\' box…Double tap to toggle
checked_logs Checked \'Record logs\' box…Double tap to toggle
signature Signature
color_picker Pick a colour
video Video
audio Audio
document Document
image Image
Warning_rooted_device Warning
rooted_device_message For security reasons, you cannot use TaroWorks on a rooted device.
just_once Just Once
always Always
please_select_app Please select App
capture_image_with Capture image with
search_jobs Search Jobs
phone_number Phone number %s
click_to_call make a call
capture_image Take Photo
add_photo Add Photo
replace_photo Replace Photo
choose_image Choose Photo
invalid_answer_error This response is not within the value range expected.
required_answer_error This response is required to continue.
auto_clear_logs_backups Auto-clear Logs and Backups
auto_clear_logs_backups_additional_message Automatically make space on your device by deleting logs and backups based on their age.
auto_clear_logs_backups_operation Automatically delete logs and backups that are older than:
none None (do not delete)
six_months 6 Months
twelve_months 12 Months
pin_forgot_message If the PIN is forgotten and you are locked out of the app, you may need to clear the app to resume use, which could result in data loss.
pin_created_message Pin is created successfully.
pin_failed_message The PIN did not match. Please try again.
incorrect_pin_3_times_message The 4-digit PIN you entered did not match our records. Please try again/another.
incorrect_pin_4_times_message You will be automatically locked out with another failed attempt.
too_many_failed_attempts Too many failed attempts. You can try again in 5 minutes.
application_unlocked_message TaroWorks Application is unlocked you can try login it again.
incorrect_fingerprint_4_times_message You will be automatically locked out with another failed attempt.
failed_attempt_title App is locked
failed_attempt_remaining_minute_message 5 incorrect attempts. Try again later.
fingerprint_failed_message The fingerprint you scanned did not match our records. Please try again/another.
confirm_pin Confirm 4 digit PIN.
create_pin Create 4 digit PIN.
enter_pin Enter 4 digit PIN.
set_up_pin_unlock_first Set up PIN unlock first
set_up_pin_unlock_first_desc We need you to setup your 4 digit pin before you can use biometric unlock.
get_started Get Started
set_up_biometric_unlock_first_desc You must set up biometrics on your device before you can use biometric unlock.
set_up_biometric_unlock_first Set up Biometric
number_is_copied Number is copied
or go back without saving

This translation tool is powered by PASTT: PHP Android String Translation Tool under Apache License 2.0